(24 Reviews)
₹ 100.58per Piece
FLOOR MOUNTED COUPLE CLOSET Shade: WHITE Size: CISTERN B INLET D H WH & IV Types Of Tiles: WATER CLOSET PCS/Box: 1 Concept : Finish : SATIN / WOODEN "Rak Ceramics Rondo Close-Coupled Toilet Below is a choice of replacement toilet s...
Brand : RAK Ceramics
FLOOR MOUNTED COUPLE CLOSET Shade: WHITE Size: CISTERN B INLET D H WH & IV Types Of Tiles: WATER CLOSET PCS/Box: 1 Concept : Finish : SATIN / WOODEN "Rak Ceramics Rondo Close-Coupled Toilet Below is a choice of replacement toilet seats to fit this toilet collection. Please ensure you are choosing the correct seat for your toilet as toilets are all shaped differently and have specific seats to fit."
Size : N/A
Brand / Manufacturer : RAK Ceramics
Recommended Deals : N/A
Previous Price : N/A
Product Price Label : Piece
Manufacture' s Information : N/A
Seller Information
Bhojan Sridev Krishnan
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